The Reviews

  • This is a Book that Pulls no Punches...

    “It’s human, real and true. Finola is a fantastical hybrid of the mentor you never knew you needed and the BFF you wish you had. She sees your potential yet calls you out when you sell yourself short. She draws attention to your ambition and capacity, yet makes it clear that “success is not a passive endeavour.” So, this is a book filled with action. In it, Finola first invites you and then takes you on a journey towards success - YOUR very own version of success.”

    Gillian Fallon, Writing for Thought Leaders, Scale Ups and C Suite Executives

  • No Ordinary Book

    “What If?” is no ordinary book. It’s a love letter to that part deep inside of us that yearns for expansion.

    The book felt so connected that, at times, I wasn’t sure if I was hearing the voice of Finola or the whispers of my own soul.

    A beautifully written book that I will revisit again and again. Because that’s the thing about expansion. It’s an ongoing process. If we allow it to be."

    Marina Branigan, Operations Partner for Brilliant Consultants and Coaches

  • An Essential Companion for every person Brave Enough to Listen

    "As a seasoned and successful business owner, mentor and community builder, Finola has blazed a red lipped trail and now stands, arms outstretched, ready to take you by the hand so that you can climb to a better place where the view is breathtaking and the air is sweet to breathe.

    This book is a map, it is a manifesto and it is an essential companion for every person brave enough to listen to their own 'what if' whisper."

    Sally Murphy, Author, TEDxwomen Speaker, Business Storyteller